Mid-Atlantic Fall Regional Retreat 2024

November 8-10th, 2024

Summit Lake Retreat Center 

(7610 Hampton Valley Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727)

Registration open until  10/31/2024

Topic: "Lay Aside All Earthly Cares"

Join us as we explore the petition from Divine Liturgy "Let us lay aside all earthly cares" and how we can truly become human in Christ.

Speakers: Father Philemon Patitsas

OCF Event Covenant 

I will hold myself to the highest standards of behavior while at this OCF event. I will maintain a Christian attitude and participate fully in the event. I will refrain from participating in illicit or illegal activities while at this event and will encourage others to refrain from these activities as well. I understand that in the context of a spiritual retreat, smoking and drinking, even if I am of a legal age, are distractions from the purpose of this event and I will refrain from participating in these activities during this OCF event. I will adorn my body in a Christian fashion, seeking to display modesty and allow for the true focus of the event to hold the attention of others. I will respect myself and others and refrain from acting in any way as to cause discomfort or disrespect to others, this includes no men and women in each others' sleeping space. In return for my commitment and positive attitude, I will have the opportunity to interact with my peers in a weekend of fun and fellowship. I understand that OCF's leaders will do their best to provide an enriching environment in which I can thrive, both spiritually and socially. I understand that the clergy, lay people, and student leaders supervising this OCF event have the right to request I modify my behavior if they believe I am conducting myself in an inappropriate fashion. I further understand that failure to uphold this covenant may result in my expulsion from the event with the possibility of being asked not to return.  

Liability Form  

I hereby certify and acknowledge the following: I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and am a high school graduate. I fully understand and acknowledge that my participation in the this event hosted by Orthodox Christian Fellowship (“OCF”) (hereby referred to as "the OCF event") is voluntary and will expose me to risks and possible dangers, including but not limited to, risks of accident, injury, illness, death, or other damage to my person or property. I hereby assume all such risks to myself that might result from my participation in the OCF event, and to the maximum extent available under the law, hereby waive, release and give up all my claims, on behalf of myself, as well as any of my family, heirs, successors and assigns, against OCF as an organization and each of its clergy, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and other agents working on the OCF event, collectively and individually, for any accident, injury, illness, death, or other damage to my person or property occurring during or by reason of the OCF event. I hereby agree to relieve OCF and each of its clergy, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and other agents, of any responsibility for any damage or loss to my property, as well as of any liability or expense resulting from delay or irregularity in schedule, occurring during or by reason of the OCF event. I hereby agree that I will abide by all the rules and guidelines set forth by the OCF event for the safety, good health, and well-being of its participants. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless OCF as an organization, as well as its clergy, officers, directors, employees leaders, employees, volunteers and other agents, collectively and individually, from any liability and expenses, losses, claims or damages incurred as a result of my acts or omissions of the subject of this form and my participation in the OCF event.  

Photo/Video Consent 

Participants must understand that photographs, video recordings, and audio recordings will be taken during the South Regional Retreat program and will be used for the purpose of future promotion of OCF and the program.  By agreeing to participate in the South Regional Retreat program, participants are specifically consenting to the use by OCF of any photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, and/or any other visual or audio reproduction that may capture their image and/or conduct during the South Regional Retreat program.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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